Make Air Gear Season 2!!! Let the voice of fans be heard!! | Promote Your Page Too

Well, there you go. That's all the episode of Air Gear Season 1. Hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did. Now to answer a question that everyone's been talking about: Is there going to be a second season of Air Gear?
The answer is I don't know. And so does thousands of fans across the internet. There's no word yet of a second season, but every fan is praying for it. Until then, I'll be posting more Air Gear stuff here on this blog.
Me too praying :)
hope their is a 2 seosons two hope
me 2
oh god i can't wait the second season
i cant wait for it...
it was too good
there are too many rumors of no...but let us hope against hope.
COME ON!!!!!!!!
i can't w8 2 it so damnit cool anime !!!!!!!!! wowowowoowowow i need more :D::D:D
coolest anime i ever seen in my life
it would suck if they don't make a 2 season.
man i hope so to it is a big thing everywhere else in the world just not in japan so they may not make any more and the company has a rep of not finishing animes and putting the rest in mangas
want another season sign the petition
I don't think there will be a second season because I have the box set and it says on it the Complete Series :(
yeah thats right only 25 series in box,but I find soundtrack Air gear season 2,so . . .
hey is there anyway that we can contact the auther and the company? so we can beg them or bribe them to make a season 2...
Just a passer-by.
I did some research and I have confirmed reports that there is no season 2. Sorry to break your bubbles, but that is that. Apparently the Air Gear Anime series didn't got good enough reviews for the company to consider airing a season 2, and I have heard that manga sales aren't that good either.
So for all the good air gear fans hoping for an anime season 2, please proceed to the manga section and be content with the it. /sad
read the manga
thats all i can say to all you people
there wont be a season 2
there is however and OVA that isnt posted here
its called special trick
it takes place between eps 21 and 22
for those that have read the manga
it is the battle at battleship island
with the monkey team
i am from england i hop to god the do make a second season cuz ive been w8in for a long time and it cart just end to good for a show to just have 1 season
this petition might work if we get enough ppl to sign post this on all AIR GEAR sites out there
Okay, I just watched the WHOLE Anime in two days. I want more, and I guess that tons of fans world wide, wants more aswell. Which I asume with reason ;)
Anyways, great dude, I just bookmarked this blog, since you seem to be pretty into Air Gear, I'll keep updated ;) if they only can be able to keep the anime as it is now, then I'll be blessed. So as you, I pray, pray for them to continue this great Series as an Anime for us to enjoy.
There will be a second season of Air Gear.The sponsors of the anime Geneon announced that they will release it on september 17th,so get ready for new episodes and characters.I myself look forward to it.
^^^ This is aweseom news, if true ^_^
Air Gear <3333 4ever
Dude seriously, i truly feel like its an injustice if they dont make a second season of this show! By far this is the best anime ive ever seen in my life and to leave all the fans hangin like that just really isnt cool man.
I do think that if enough people really start to say something about it and demand more of it, they'll have no choice but to make a second season! Keep your fingers crossed guys! :^)
Hey where did u find the news about it being released in September 17th?
Just want to see it with my own eyes xD (not suggesting u were lying)
where is a link to this source or something, you need to back yourself up
they need to do a season 2 this anime rocks :D
there is no season 2. but theres a movie
its already september 18...
it better come........
they need to do an 2 season that anime is the best anime in the world
me tooo it needs to be second season oe esle im praying!!!
i want more Air Gear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this show is the best if theres no season 2 then we start complaining to the creators so that they have to make a season 2
theres one more right?
I'll kill myself if there will not be second season.
you guys know ikki becomes the storm king not the air king and kazu becomes fire king
i really hope there will be a season two because they can't just leave it the way it is, theres to much of a cliffhanger. we don't even know if ikki even makes it to be king or not. someone should start a patation to make a season two. i know i will sighn it.
i want a second season of air gear!!!!!
instead of praying just send a request proving how many people want it like a patition to some of the big names in anime if theres enough people then maybe they'll do it this from a geniuses perspective so get smarter and show
you want it that bad "they might not even know we like the show it's from 05 not 09 so it's not really new" by rashad if you a fan repost this on your favorite fan sites
I here there making a movie that picks up where season 1 left off. any news?
nooooooooo i want more air gear now
news? i been looking around on different websides...even google and i can't find a damn thing about a second season or anything, but ill keep looking and bookmark this if i find anything out about a season 2.
that whole anime moved me i even pray for a second season!!!!
we can only hope there a second season im hook on air gear its soo pro
They'd better there damn more than 200 chapters
the best in the world . i also like other but air gear is top 1 for me. i love it, we should sign more petitions and reclaim to the guys of oh great (air gear creator) to see if they make the 2 season.air gear rocks!love simca!
i want a second season :(
pls second season :(
everyone just sign petition and hope...
I AM PRAYING 2 it long time i saw air gear I Hope There Be Second Seison !!! because the end is just too sucky!!!!
I Just Watched The Entire Series In One Day There Better Be A Damn Season Two
irealy hope there's 3 seasons that would be better
well there is a website that says MOVIE and its greyed out.
check the site. I really hope their will be a second season too!
if anyone know a way i can send the creaters an message please tell me i need to send them an f*cking message that they must make an second season becaseu this is the best anime i nthe whole world its an shame if they dont make an second season and btw manga sucks anime rocks thats why
im only with the anime series, but is it ongoing in the manga?
if so i guess ill have to go buy it or look for it on youtube
how to start:( i was hater to all of you i hated the "cartoons" but i had a deal with a friend that he has to watch 1 episode of Big Bang Theory and ill be watchin 1 episode of Air Gear....It rocked my WORLD!!!!!It was the best show of my life when i woke up i was searching for more on the internet i wanted MORE and MORE ....please gimme.Ill be watchin ya!
sorry for bad english im just slovakian fan of AG passing by:)
Lets sign a petition for Air Gear Season 2! and Maybe they can bring it back, and to let them know that Air gear series have supporters/FANS.
i just got done watching air gear and its the best anime i have sen to this day some one should tell the creator to to post up if the second season is going to come out or not but they should realy creat a second season cuz its bad ass
plz second season eng dub
Cmon! There should be a second season. I mean seriously WTF they'd leave the entire series without an ending it pisses me off. And Manga? man they already made the show why waste all that so people can get hooked to the manga?
i've been waiting for months. i have lost hope and so has many more air gear fans......Its now 2010 i don't think they'll make season 2... Sorry guys...
its now 2010 i just watched all 25 and really hope there is a season 2 i hear alot of no and yes but want it to be yes...
It's sad but I dont think there will be another season
Wow everyone waited so long and been a few years since we all watched Season 1 so guess they didn't want to continue it or ran out of money to provide for another? either way can't believe that it will come out any longer =/
i hope so that show was just so amazing
Some shows make you wait years before a second or third season is released due to different circumstances such as getting enough material from the manga, raising up enough funds from dvd's and other sales, and other certain reasons. So i haven't given up hope yet, just put it on hold.
my whole family and friends are praying for a second season.please hurry!
I love Air gear :) this one of the best animes i ever watched. I'm prayin n hopin there is goin to be a 2nd season. If there is no 2nd season which I hope is not true everyone better start reading the manga. cross ur fingers ! :)
I pray for season II I wana wach it so badddd!
this is suck. i mean we have to wait for years before the second season come. i dont really like reading manga in this type of anime so i think im going to wait for it but it can be a waste of time not to watch it. man this is suck.
There is a guy from year 2006 saying he hopes there will be one. i just started watching and it is awesome.
Great Anime. Truely one of the best!
And they keep the pace in the story.
I too hope there'll be a second season; someday...!?
That is before i'm old and wise!
Greetinx from Holland.
I wanna cry. I love this show. At least they can give us some info instead of just leaving us hanging you know. this kinda makes me not want to watch their shows anymore cause just think about it if they just stop this show whose to say they wont stop other shows you so why get hooked on their shows knowing that. Hey maybe that's just me but still its not fair
i hope season 2 come out. i just want to see what happen next. i can' wait and don't like reading manga.
well in the ari gear wiki i goes waaaaaaay past epesode 25 saying that ikko was in the hospital after injuring his leg (when he almost fell on ringo) so guss there will be a season 2
do you guys happen to have facebook account? well i'm sure you all have it. let's join with air gear fan group, and make all people know. meybe they will consider to release season 2. I really wanna watch it too. contact them? everyone pass this on we could do it if we all tried
PLEASEEEEEEE>,.,.,i hoPE derRz a second season.,
i really love this anime more than naruto and onE piece., bcoz Ringo, kuroro, and simca-san is hEre.,.uhuhuh
i agree with all of you here on this post. air gear is pretty damn amazing. i bet, if they ever release a 2nd season, i bet it will be crazy fun because a lot of new characters have just arrived and they're all really strong and the true story behind the wings regalia has been revealed. lets all pray for a 2nd season people.
we need more
aaaawwww man if it been 5 years then we all know they ain't and the effin Manga is wwwaaaayyyy diff then the Anime so it'd be like readin a totally diff show :( I for one have given up hope for the most beautiful Anime out there :(
So I just found that Special which comes from the DVD and it can be found on megavideo, it is an english dub :( under the name ''Áir Gear - Episode 26 ST BY''
I hope there is a season 2
air hear is the best anime, sad to say it will never have a 2nd season. i google air gear season 2 every single day and i had no luck on any info saying if air gear cancel or are in the process of making season 2, but i guess if this keeps up they just might make it
put air gear season two on you tube its the best anime i ever saw
Kidd wolfe is right there aint going to be a Season 2 its been so long :( I been watching and watching air gear over and over again. I seen it about 13 Times :D Im wait till may (Heard some rummer that they will start making a Season 2) Well after May i give up.
BTW if anyone know how to contact with Oh! Great! plz send me a mail to
Have fun guys...
i've also heard there will be a 2nd season in may :)
let's hope for it :)))
xxx calla
if you wanna see more theres a episode 26 on english
the manga have enough to cover two seasons worth of episodes!
Simca - the hottest female character ever!!!
There should definitely be a second season!
i heard something about it being continued when the manga was finished....
i'm sorry i don't know were i found that and i'll try to find out more if i can.
yea. i hope that they put the next season out.
season 2!!!!!
I hope that they put all the seasons of the air gear.
this website is a petition for AirGear Season 2 sign it if you want another season.
maybe they want to finish the manga first.
Gentlemen, I give you one word to properly explain why there needs to be a season two. Kururu, good day.
If we're lucky, they're going to bring out a season 2.
If they are, it's likely they're just waiting a while, letting the Manga progress.
I'm hoping to good god that's what it is.
I NEED a second season.
I NEED LOTS of seasons.
Hopefully they're just letting the Manga progress and hopefully they won't wait much longer.
any news on season 2?
I really hope there's is going to be a season 2 at some point cause i love this anime it's my all time favorite, though watching it in english is terrible because everything said is always butchered in some way. Well please keep us posted on if they ever decide to do a second season.
i need more from AirGear 1 of my best anime and in future of manga become batter
the show was good but don't start what your not going to finish
man if there is no second season then y stop the episode right there right were the sespense builds up the most. what the freakin heck.
oh god plz let there be a 2nd season...even if it got bad reviews from japan the other people want this anime to keep going.... :'(
come to us season 2...!!!
I can't wait to apear season2...that is IF it will apear..I hope will apear as many episodes as the manga:D
season 2, come to us..., please...
i hope this anime never stops its just amazing
damm i hope they continue the anime if the creaters found out how many fans there were theyd prob mak another few season look at how many ppl still lik the anime after lik 3yrs o.o
Last i heard, they never made season 2 because of the lack of viewers when the show was originally aired. There are yet to be plans for a season 2.
i hope they mak a 2nd season if they knew how many ppl watch the anime they'd continue the anime its prob cuz when they first made it not many ppl watched it but now that ppl kno bout it after awhile theres alota viewers if they knew there were alot of viewerstheyd prob continue the anime
im going to be pissed off to if they dont make a second season that would suck ***** i dont want them to stop!
I would love second hopefully soon been waiting for too long but ill keep waiting for now
sign the petition for air gear season 2
copy and paste the like in the address bar
thanks to all who support Air Gear
i am praying to and i hope that they also make real AT's
ur petition has alota signatures almost 6000 i think thats enough to get them to start a 2nd season now u just gota show ur petition to the ppl who sponser the anime n theyll continue it i think
i have been waiting for around a year for the second season, I WANT MORE AIR GEAR!!!!!
second season comes out this year 11/?/2010 gotta keep u in suspense :P
i liked the ending -.- it's been almost 2 years so i don't think there is going to be a 2nd season. There is a MMORPG based on Air Gear called Street Gears! It's still on it's open beta so there is only german and french, but in the end the most important stuff is in english. Hope you enjoy ;)
Seriously these "creators" need to wake up and smell the opportunity..I mean it's obvious that the fanbase has grown tenfold..type in air gear in any search engine and you will find a vast amount of results on blogs and petitions and fansites dedicated to the anime..I can understand the original reason for not looking into a season two but opportunity is knocking at your door and you should answer it before people get fed up and give up on air gear completely- X
SEASON 2 !!!!
please make AIR GEAR SEASON 2... T_T
Cmon season 2, guys sign the petition on petition(dot)com so far were at nearly 6000 & still going the manga shows such great promise for the anime. Sign & help out ppz
i think there's no season...i read about an article that there's no season bacause its company or its creator is loosing money and they can't make another season for air gear, It's just a rumor, so let's pray for another season ok...
i think this is advertise vid of season 2
men seriously creatrs are wierds
I really like Air Gear it would be cool to see more seasons of it I would like to see how far they can go to get to the top
i REALLY want to watch season 2 i hope they make it FAST!!!!!!!!!!!!! OR at least start :)
i fucking hope theres a season two i love air gear agito is my favorite charater and ikki just simply kicks ass and ringo i hope in season too is with ikki itll be adoriable and i just hope theres a season two i <3 air gear forever i got it on dvd
I want more Simca 0,0
i hope they make a second season of air gear and since its on the subject i hope a new writer can write new seasons for kaze no stigma because it has the most potential of being the best anime ever imo.
If it's not being made how come you can watch a sneak trailer of it, when typed into goolge then, its a sin that they left this long. I keep watching that tralier again, and again so there has to be a season 2. Even if we have to go to japan or where ever the creators are hiding, and convince them to do!!!!!
pls make the new sesonpls pls i fuckin love air gear it reminds me of me & my friends
we want air gear we want season 2
we want air gear we want season 2
we want air gear we want season 2
we want air gear we want season 2
we want air gear we want season 2
we want air gear we want season 2
we want air gear we want season 2
we want air gear we want season 2
we want air gear we want season 2
we want air gear we want season 2
we want air gear we want season 2
we want air gear we want season 2
The fans have spoken!! WE WANT...WE NEED.. WE DESIRE the anime to continue and coincide with the (still going strong) MANGA!!
Leeeeeeerooooooyyy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yeah! we want air gear season two please??! =) please ? please? please? please? =)
air gear one of the best animes hope season 2 comes out
I loved air gear u people dont understand it makes people feel something i mean i feel my own connection to the sky now please for the love of fucking god make SEASON 2
sad to say this but may be they don't have enough money for creating second season...but i hope this next year they will have second season
i think it is very sad that there is no season two air gear is awsome
keep some fath maybe one day they will relise the demande for air gear and ralise the air of there ways and star production on the seconed season
yay! air gear kuro no hane to nemuri no mori -break on the sky- there. .
It has to happen. Way to good of a series to let it die out.
i wanna watch air gear season 2
Air Gear is amazing I swear on my life I will one day make real worakable AT's and ride to the sky so please make renew Air Gear and make more seasons.
yeah there have to be a season 2 i think there a to much question open and at least there were not many tricks and i want to see more agito action XD
when will they let it out !!!!!!!!!!
ok this is wat i really don't get if air gear didnt get any good reviews or its not sellin good howcome everyperson in world really love this anime and for reason the company wont make a second season because of sum bullshit lies its really bogus and for a fact air gear is 1 of the best anime's i every watched and i can put it at the top with naruto and bleach but naruto is my fav anime anyway air gear should have second and i'm hoping that th peoples voice reaches the company
ntah bila nk musim ke-2 pny... dah lama btl aku tggu ni haa.... ntah bila nk ada... hahaha... sapa yg phm bahasa aku kat sini ni???
i have the second season of air gear
Sigh... One can only hope and pray and petition long enough for someone to listen, we all know it shall arive, whether its a month or whether its a year... We WILL have our Air Gear season 2!
Sigh... One can only hope and pray and petition long enough for someone to listen, we all know it shall arive, whether its a month or whether its a year... We WILL have our Air Gear season 2!
I just started watching air was good watching one exp...make me watch even was a good anime..hope they make season 2....
Its hit 2011, and still no sign of a season 2!
Why arent they continuing this? its an awesome anime, with a massive manga fanbase
hey i think they are making it, cause my bro found an episode of AG season 2 on some website. it's probably an episode some where in the middle of the season. but if i find out where it is again i'll post.
there u go i at least found the date it will release so check that out.
i miss everythings about Air Gear,,,,
i Love u Air Gear,,,
air gread da best anime
dying to see the season 2........
hey guys heard the producers of air gear are switched over to naruto shippuden because japan had sudden increase in episodes released in japan and now it has over 1500 episodes so if u really want air gear to produce second season then dont petition randomly you're going to need to petition on a naruto shippuden producer to comeback or help out with air gear season 2
air gear season come out already
sign up for the facebook air gear fans if you want air gear season 2
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